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Wirt Valve Technologies Corp. - Gate Valves, Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves, Control Valves, Actuators

Wirt Valve Technologies Corporation was established in 1986 to meet the demand for high quality valves in the petroleum refining, oil and gas fields, power industry and chemical industry all over the world. Product varieties increased from thirties in 1986 to current hundreds in our new factory with modern state of the art machining facilities and manufacturing technology.

Wirt products are designed, manufactured and tested to meet and exceed all applicable specification to which they are constructed. Our goal is simply to furnish high quality products at competitive price in global markets and deliveries to meet the challenge today.

Product improvements to meet the latest enviromental standards are constantly being implemented. Examples include the most stringent fugitive emission requirement and the implementation of totally contained bonnet gasket design.

We employ the latest CNC CAD/CAM controlled machinery and the morden testing equipment including machinery for tensile strength, stress analysis and hardness test, Helium leak detection, spectrograph for chemical analysis, fire safe, cryogennic testing as well as Cv measurement for valves, etc. 

We believe that from the most common application to the most severe, Wirt has a solution.